Modeling tectonic and climatic controls on glacial erosion
Mountain-scale glacial erosion modeling
Glacial erosion has shaped many mountain ranges during the Late Cenozoic
glaciation. To understand the controls of tectonics and climate on glacial
erosion, I’ve developed a numerical landscape evolution model that I couple with
a thermomechanically coupled ice sheet model (PISM) to examine the sensitivities
of glacier dynamics and glacial erosion to various tectonic and climatic
Using this model, I investigate the response of glacial erosion to increased
geothermal heat flow. The model reveals a tendency for increased glacial erosion
with increasing geothermal heat flow, suggesting a novel interaction between
tectonics and glacial erosion: tectonics may accelerate glacial erosion by
elevating geothermal heat (Lai and Anders, 2020, EPSL).
I also investigate the impact of climate on the patterns and rates of glacial
erosion. This research suggests that climate controls glacial erosion primarily
through the basal thermal regime and glacial erosion tends to be maximized at
the transition between cold-based and warm-based ice (Lai and Anders, 2021,
ESurf ). This finding challenges the traditional view that glacial erosion is
greatest at the intersection between bedrock topography and the equilibrium line
altitudes of glaciers.
Asymmetric glaciation and drainage reorganization
Glacial erosion can move drainage divides and induce fluvial adjustments
downstream, yet the timescale over which these adjustments occur remains
unclear. We examine landscape evolution in the northwest-southeast trending
Qilian Shan, where the contrast in solar insolation between north- and
south-facing slopes has generated larger glaciers on the northern range crest.
Our analyses suggest that this asymmetric glaciation has caused southward
migration of the main drainage divide, prompting river channels below the
extents of ice on north-facing slopes to become oversteepened for their drainage
area and channels on south-facing slopes to become analogously understeepened.
These changes in steepness should accelerate or slow down postglacial fluvial
incision, even in these regions where topography has not been directly modified
by glacial erosion. Numerical modeling suggests these discrepancies persist for
millions of years – much longer than the duration of recent glacial-interglacial
cycles – implying a widespread and enduring influence of intermittent
glaciations on landscape evolution in glaciated mountain ranges during the
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Asymmetric Glaciation, Divide Migration, and Postglacial Fluvial Response Times in the Qilian Shan
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Climatic Controls on Mountain Glacier Basal Thermal Regimes Dictate Spatial Patterns of Glacial Erosion
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Tectonic Controls on Rates and Spatial Patterns of Glacial Erosion through Geothermal Heat Flux
Glacial erosion has shaped many mountain belts during the cold periods of the Late Cenozoic. The rate of glacial erosion is sensitive to the subglacial environment, including both the subglacial hydrology and the basal thermal regime. Geothermal heat from underlying bedrock is a major contributor to glacier energy budgets, controlling ice dynamics at the ice-bed interface by changing the basal temperature and the supply of meltwater. Despite the known influence of geothermal heat on the subglacial environment, its impact on glacial erosion has received little study. The geothermal heat flux in glaciated mountain ranges varies widely as a function of the tectonic setting. Therefore, if glacial erosion is sensitive to geothermal heat flux, the evolution of glaciated landscapes may depend upon tectonically-controlled geothermal gradients. We explore the impact of geothermal heat flux on the rates and spatial patterns of glacial erosion in mountain ranges using numerical models. We couple a sliding-dependent glacial erosion model with the Parallel Ice Sheet Model (PISM) to simulate the evolution of a synthetic glacial landscape. We find a robust tendency for increasing glacial erosion with increasing geothermal heat flux. The spatial pattern of erosion also varies with the magnitude of geothermal heat flux. At low geothermal heat flux, glacial erosion is consistently focused in major valleys. As geothermal heat flux increases, the area of significant glacial erosion expands into higher elevations and the rate of erosion increases. The location of maximum erosion migrates up-valley as geothermal heat flux increases, suggesting that glacial erosion tends to produce distinct landscapes as a function of geothermal heat flux. Our finding suggests that active mountain belts with high geothermal heat flux will express the glacial buzzsaw effect, in which high elevation topography is preferentially removed by glacial erosion. Glaciers at passive margins with low geothermal heat flux, in contrast, will tend to incise deep valleys at relatively low elevations. Previous work on the interaction between tectonics and landscape evolution has focused on relief generation and fracturing of rocks. Our results introduce a novel potential linkage between tectonics and erosion based on the sensitivity of glacial erosion to geothermal heat.