PhD opportunities
Glacial valleys in a changing climate
I am recruiting a PhD student at the University of Glasgow to investigate the links between glacial valley morphology, sediment dynamics, and climate variations. The project will involve a combination of topographic analysis, numerical modeling, and machine learning approaches. This exciting project would be fully-funded through the IAPETUS2 program.
Please see this webpage for further details about the project.
The deadline to submit applications is 3rd January 2025, and instructions on the application process are available here. Please contact me at if you have any questions about the project. Note that international (non-UK) applicants must contact me by no later than 9th December 2024 if they would like to be considered for sponsorship.
Glacial erosion in the Patagonian Andes
Coming soon … (expected online in mid December 2024)
Other externally funded opportunities
I am always happy to discuss potential PhD projects with students who have or intend to apply for external funding (China’s CSC Scholarship, for example). Please get in touch if you have a research idea related to the broad theme of interactions between climate and Earth surface processes.